In order for you to open an account, we ask that all customers fill out and send back the following documents.
If you have an office inside the United States, please fill out and return by fax to 732 296 9806 or scan documents to [email protected].
If you are a Foreign Company and have no office in the United States, please fax documents to 732.296 .9806 or scan the forms for a Foreign Company to [email protected]
We must have all paperwork filled out prior to making your first booking. The company names must match all documents. If you are doing business as a DBA, we must have the proper DBA form from the IRS.
Please send the forms back to [email protected] or fax it to 732-296-9806
Please print and sign the form in order for the VGM to be processed via the GLI website. GLI provides an online tool to submit your VGM directly to the carrier. You can have a VGM input agent such as a supplier or named staff member that will only have access to the VGM information and nothing else on you client portal. GLI charges $15.00 USD per bill of lading for this feature, if you are not interested in using our site you can still do the VGM yourself but please let our staff know so we dont send reminders as we monitor the VGM submission to insure there are no fines from the Carriers or Ports.
Please send the forms back to [email protected] or fax it to 732-296-9806.
- Domestic and International Customers
- Company Credit Agreement – EXPORT (doc)
- VGM LOI (pdf)
- International Customers
- Domestic Customers
- Power of Attorney (doc) on company letter head
- IRS Example Sheet (pdf)